10 serious Diwali cards parties ’ commandments you should follow this season!

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The best time of the year, we mean Diwali, is here and we just cannot hold the excitement in! Most of us have already started planning the Diwali cards parties we’d be hosting and attending through the next couple of weeks and are anticipating only fun! However to get the most out of these Diwali cards parties, there are some rules one must follow. Take a look at ten serious Diwali parties’ commandments you should follow this season!



1. Thou shalt dress up for the occasion.

Be in your best Indian wear when you’re going for Diwali parties. It doesn’t matter if the party is at your best friend’s house or in your own den. It’s not every day you get to attend a festive gathering with your loved ones.

2. Thou shalt not go empty handed to your mate’s house.

Well, not like your friend who is the organiser is expecting his guests to get him goodies; but it’s just a bad thing to go to a house party empty handed. Take a bottle of wine or champagne. Or if you want to refrain from getting alcohol, simply get a box of sweets or chocolates and you’re sorted.

3. Thou shalt reach on time for the party.

Understand this – someone made all the efforts of organising a party. From setting up the place to arranging the food and drinks, they’ve done it all. In such a scenario, you just have to show up! The least you can do is appreciate his efforts and show up on time.

4. Thou shalt hold your drinks.

Yay! Who doesn’t like free alcohol? But remember, it’s a social gathering where your main motive should include celebrating the festive spirit with your loved ones (and of course winning some money at the end of the day). And for this reason, we’d advise you to hold your drinks and not be the first one to get hammered losing all control of your mind and body.

5. Thou shalt be a sport (even if you don’t gamble).

Don’t be a party pooper. If you don’t know how to play, it’s absolutely fine. Just make sure that you’re a part of the game in the right spirit and encourage people around you to play better.

6. Thou shalt understand the rules of the game before placing your bet!

Everybody makes rookie mistakes while playing especially when there’s alcohol involved. Play smart and play safe, which is all you need to concentrate on.

7. Thou shalt (under no circumstances) play unfair.

The easiest thing to do while playing Teen Patti (or any other game) is to be unfair to your mates. Peeping into their cards or being unfair with money should NOT be a part of your agenda for the night! That’s plain wrong! Period.

8. Thou shalt not give up (even after losing multiple times).

Everybody loses at some point in life. Then how’s playing cards any different? Keep going until you realise that luck isn’t in your favour for the night and you’ve probably ran out of all your money.

9. Thou shalt not fight with your mates over petty issues in the game.

Diwali card parties are all about celebrating the festive spirit. We bet it is the best time of the year for a lot of people and in the same spirit, do not….we repeat DO NOT create a scene at the party over petty issues. No one wants drama at an event that’s supposed to be fun and exciting.

10. Thou shalt stay away from your mobile phones and other electronic items to enjoy the real party!

Your social media updates can wait. Live the moment rather than being stuck to your cell phones and laptops.

There! You’re now a pro when it comes to attending/hosting Diwali parties.

And on this note, Team Trendspotters TV wishes all you beautiful people out there a very Happy festive season! Stay awesome.

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