Here are 5 genius ways of breaking bad news to your parents without getting an instant beating!

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There are times (a lot of times) when you put yourself in situations that aren’t very easy to get out of. Even your friends can’t be of much help at that moment. You know you’ll have to turn to your parents for getting out of dire straits you put yourself in. And we know, it’s like punching yourself in the face, but you got to do what you got to do! And then suddenly, this other side of you gives you these pure evil but butt-saving ideas that are supposed to work their magic. Now, read and learn how to save your butt from your parents, like a pro! And we’re not talking exceptional circumstances like when you accidentally send a text to your parents that was supposed to be for someone else, we’re talking everyday situations. Now, we hope you never get into these kinds of trouble but if you do, remember the following.

#1 “Accidentally” bumped your car into someone else’s because you were too busy texting?

Let’s just say you’re driving and because of something (like texting), you get into an accident and your car is damaged, badly to say the least. You know the only man who can save you is your father, so just let him know how you were trying to save your car from running over a cat which is why you ended up damaging your vehicle. You have saved a life, vehicles can be repaired. SOLD!



#2 Spilled milk all over the kitchen floor because you were trying to reach for the chocolates kept at the back?

Moms are very observant when you’re in their territory. We mean kitchen, and no we aren’t stereotyping but let’s get this straight, without her you’d be surviving on hope. So, you’re in the kitchen and working your way to find something when you accidentally spill all the milk. Now, everyone knows how touchy moms are when it comes to wasting milk. You can always start with mopping the floor so even if she finds out; you have some support in your defense. Make up a story about how you were getting some milk to feed stray dogs and ended up with the disaster. Don’t forget the puppy face.



#3 Dad found an objectionable item in your car, like a lighter?

Just another day and you’re about to leave for work, you get a call from your father saying he took your car to work today and he found something that had him call you. And being the clever-ass person you are, you know what the call might be about. So before you take the call you already have a story ready to serve! Here! Let’s say he finds a few miscellaneous things like a lighter. Let him know it was your boss who needed a ride home and you couldn’t say no when wanted to smoke, because he’s your BOSS! Easy Peasy!



#4 An unplanned Friday night that won’t go down well with parents?

It’s Friday. The weekend is here and you’re out drinking with your buddies, *daddy calls* , let your old man know you’re working late because you’ve got a two-day off and the work needs to be completed by tonight, so you will be getting home late. He won’t ask you to stop work and get home, right?



#5 Forgot the only one thing your father asked you to do for him?

You were asked to a job from your father, something urgent that had to be done as soon as possible. But being you, you forgot and landed yourself in a bad situation. You think your mom will help you out but she tells you what a ‘nikkamma’ you’ve become and waltz out of the room. Tell him you’re busy and stuck at work but you’ll get going and get it done.  It might just melt his heart and give you more time for completing the task or you can get on it while you’re on the phone with him and get the sh*t done!



These butt-saving ideas are a produce of creativity that rests in you. Embrace it.

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