If there’s ever a zombie outbreak while you’re still alive, here’s everything you need to learn! These easy steps will most likely decrease your chances of turning into one. Take a look.
1. Get as far away as you can from crowded areas!
Fewer crowds lead to lesser chances of you getting into a splatter with the un-dead.
2. Wear helmets!
Remember one thing – zombies go for the brains (or so we’ve heard). So be sure to wear a helmet because isn’t it more fun to delay the process of you turning into a zombie? And if they do manage to lay a scratch on you sit back and relax because that virus travels with the speed of light, unless you are ready to chop the infected part off your body.
3. Stock up!
Any remote sign of an apocalypse coming your way, run to your nearest store and gather up supplies for at least 90 days. Believe us; you wouldn’t want to be under house arrest for an indefinite period using old clothes in place of toilet paper.
4. Invest in arms and ammunition
Nobody cares if you’ve ever touched a weapon or have even killed a mosquito before! Let’s just say it’s going be the need of the hour/days/weeks or even months for you. Buy/beg/borrow/steal necessary weapons for your survival and remember – Always aim for their heads while shooting! That’s how you kill a zombie (never seen The Walking Dead ?).
5. First aid
Like every other apocalypse, first aid is very very important for this one too! Gather medical supplies as much as you can before it’s too late! How to cut open a human being and sew him back impeccably is something you need to learn. Watch YouTube videos if it helps (we don’t have the courage to check if they exist but please knock yourselves out).
6. Send signals to find other survivors
It’s always better to have more people around you at the time of the apocalypse. Every extra hand you can find to fight with the un-dead will be extremely resourceful. Maybe try looking for fireworks or radio signal to intimate other survivors in the vicinity? If your phones/phone apps work during the apocalypse, feel free to send blasts on social media networks too. Who knows they might come in with more supplies and some alcohol!
7. Be quiet, less noisy and smell less like a human being
The human smell and noise is what attracts zombies the most. Be very vigilant and try not to …erm…smell like a human! Chances are they wouldn’t even notice that you’re around them! Cover yourself in leftover water from the trash bins if you want to distinguish yourself from the other human beings who would be busy smearing perfumes all over them.
There! Now you’ve been zombie-proofed! You may thank us in the comments section below!
All images sourced from Giphy.com
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