Myths about wearing high heels debunked!


Most women love wearing heels and women who wear heels on a regular basis are often advised not to because of some popular myths. Here are three myths about wearing high heels that every shoe-loving woman must know to keep those answers ready for people who advise them against wearing beautiful footwear.

1) Heels are harmful for your legs

Bigger calves, varicose veins, weight gain, knee problems and arthritis are not problems caused by wearing heels alone. These problems could be due to a lot of other lifestyle and hereditary factors as well. We don’t mean to suggest that wearing heels has no impact on your overall body posture at all but wearing them wisely with insoles and the optimum height according to your body type can reduce the risk of such problems.



2) Pregnant women cannot wear heels

Heels do not cause complications in a pregnancy. The only reason women are advised against wearing heels while they are pregnant is so they don’t trip and fall. If you feel that you can walk comfortably in heels then you may wear them while you’re pregnant too, but be careful.



3) High heels can turn an outfit around as against flats

It’s not necessary that high heels can turn any outfit around and make you look sophisticated. Determine the need for heels and flats by the overall look of what you’re wearing. Stylists suggest that if your dress is very short then pair it with shorter heels or flats and vice versa.


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