Let’s face it, we have all encountered bad make up days and bad hair days. There is no denying that fashion faux pas is a thing that we all dread. After all, nobody wants to be a fashion disaster. When we say common fashion blunders, we are not talking about a particular outfit that could make you counted among the worst dressed people. Instead, we are focusing on those long-held habits or fashion clichés people usually refuse to let go off.
It’s true that fashion is as much about what you should follow as what you should not follow. From not getting things tailored enough, to buying into the idea that you have to get rid of certain things away because they are not stylish, here are few common fashion blunders that you should start remedying right away.
Fashion trends come and go. Many of them resurrect in almost a decade and then get forgotten again. While some fashion trends such as the LBD are timeless, whereas the others like poodle skirts, floppy hats have now become relics from the past.
Some of the items mentioned on our list have either expired or gone to the fashion heaven. So, if you are still wearing any of these things or have stored them in your closet and waiting for their ‘comeback’ moment, please get rid of them immediately.
So, the point is not simply how well you put your makeup on, style your hair, or how expensive is your handbag, but also how well you are able to combine all these things together. After all, a tiny flaw can successfully ruin the complete look. Our list will tell you exactly what most of you are doing wrong.
Platform sneakers
We understand that platform shoes are stylish and help in achieving a taller look. In fact, every fashionista should buy a platform wedge. But platform sneakers? This trend deserves no place in the present and should stay firmly in the past.
Image Source: Platform sneakers
Sweat pants or track suits
Unless you are planning to hit the gym, we suggest, please avoid wearing track suits in public. You don’t look your best, but they end up making you look lazy.
Image source: Sweat pants or track suits
Too many accessories
Always wear minimal accessories. While, button and hoop earnings complement the daytime look, whereas chandelier earrings and embellished purse are acceptable for an evening look. Stick to simplicity and stand out from the crowd.
Image source: Too many accessories
Mixing up prints
Avoid mixing too many different prints or patterns together. If you are opting for a patterned suit, choose a solid shirt and a patterned tie and if you’re going for a solid suit, it is preferable to wear a patterned shirt and a tie.
Image source: Mixing up prints
Poor colour combination
For a coordinated look, our style experts are of the opinion that limiting each of your outfits to three colours or shade is best. When selecting an outfit, choose complementary and analogous colours.
Image source: Poor colour combination
Unflattering hairstyles
Always opt for hairstyles that look flattering on you. Hair plays an important part in the overall image building. One can consistently experiment with and upgrade without spending more.
Image source: Unflattering hairstyles
Wearing trousers too short
Invest in jeans and trousers of different length, ones for low heels and ones for higher heels. Wearing too long jeans with casual flat shoes can cause worn-out hems.
Unflattering makeup
Always be clean and look polished. Makeup is good as blusher, mascara and clear powder helps you look polished. The no-makeup look is good for college, not for grown-up life. But please avoid the bright shimmery glosses or eye shadows unless you are attending an evening event.
Image source: Unflattering makeup
Wrong undergarments
If you are looking for a flawless look, this fashion blunder needs to be avoided always. We are talking about the right fit so that the finished look smooth and wrinkle-free.
Image source: Wrong undergarments
Wearing fanny packs
Yes, they were in fashion during the 80s. But sporting a fanny pack in a professional atmosphere is a complete strict no-no.
Image source: Fanny packs
The right choice of clothes and cosmetics has the ability to highlight anybody’s overall sense of style and compliment their best of features. So, choose your style wisely.