US missiles with message, “From Paris, with love” are the strangest ‘gift’ ISIS would ever expect!

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The recent attack in Paris was declared as ‘an act of war’ by the French President Francoise Hollande as he spoke about the tragedy that killed over 129 innocent people in the French capital.

However, giving it back to the Islamic militant group ‘ISIS’ were the French airstrikes on Raqqa that destroyed a key ISIS command centre and many training facilities within the a few days following the Paris attack.

What followed was something that has been making rounds on social media and the Internet as the US military expressed solidarity with France through messages that said “From Paris, with love” on their missiles destined for Syria. Some say that these images may have been photo-shopped but nevertheless, people have been sharing them with the world expressing unity with the US army and the battle against ISIS. Take a look.

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