It all started in 1984 with a comic book about a boy who was raised by wolves and lived among the wild animals in an Indian Jungle. This tale about the relationship he shared with the animals has been a part of our lives for really long now. And to revive the feeling that the younger you would go through whenever you saw Mowgli and his squad taking on new adventures, Jon Favreu, who you might know as Happy from Iron Man, oh, who ALSO directed it, is bringing to you The Jungle Book.
After you watch the trailer, you will owe him one for what he’s bringing you next year. The trailer looks so fantastic we nearly jumped from our seats. The actors lending their voices for the movie are, Scarlett Johansson, Ben Kingsley, Bill Murray, Lupita Nyong’o, Christopher Walken, Idris Elba, Giancarlo Esposito and introducing Neel Seth as Mowgli. Check out the trailer below and find yourself in awe.