Did you know the ‘Peace For Paris’ symbol was designed in less than a minute?

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The evening of 13th November will always be remembered as one of the most dreaded days of 2015. The series of coordinated terrorist attacks that took place in France did not just include hostage-taking but mass shootings and suicide bombings as well. Many innocent people suffered the darkness of terrorism for reasons every one is trying to fathom. People were killed, faith was shattered and around midnight emerged the ‘Peace For Paris’ symbol sending out a strong message to the heartless that the world is united and will fight back.

French graphic designer Jean Jullien, otherwise based out of London, is the man behind the simple yet very powerful illustration that showcases a peace symbol with the Eiffel tower, rendered in bold, black strokes against a white background. Within 24 hours the sign was seen as profile pictures on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now on T-shirts, posters and flags.

Peace for Paris

A photo posted by @jean_jullien on

 Jullien, who is currently not in France, caught up with Wired.com and here are things you need to know about the powerful symbol and its inception.

#1 It took Jullien less than a minute to design the ‘Peace For Paris’ symbol.

#2 It wasn’t made using an elaborate computer software, but just on a sketchbook using ink and a brush.

#3 The image of the symbol was the first thing that came to his mind as an instinctive reaction to the attacks.

#4 He only posted it on Twitter and Instagram and it spread as a symbol of peace and solidarity the world over within a couple of hours.

#5 It has almost 160,000 likes on Instagram and 60,000 retweets on Twitter within a span of 2 days.

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