There’s an unspoken land that has never been talked about, the land of the pale people or pasty as they say. For those who don’t know, we aren’t fair we are yellow! And it’s not because we have anaemia but because we were born this way. We don’t like to crib about it so much but like human beings we unintentionally do end up doing it. So here goes, ten problems every pale girl will understand and can relate to.
1) Never being able to wear white or yellow. Because it’s too matchy-matchy, with our skin’s colour.
2) Finding a foundation that matches your skin tone is next to impossible.
3) Clicking pictures with flash basically makes us look like a ghost.
4) People keep asking you if you’re sick and feeling okay.
5) Always running out of blusher and the trouble of re-applying it so as to look normal, not sick.
6) The curse of the visible blue veins- Bored? Let’s play connecting dots and draw stuff.
7) Move away Edward Cullen! We can be a vampire in real life WITHOUT the makeup.
8) No, we’re not an orange! It’s the tan or the bronzer that makes us orange.
9) Trying to cover a pimple or any spot for that matter, is useless and sort of impossible.
10) Yes, we do brush our teeth regularly. Our pale skin makes our teeth look darker.