Outfit of the week: wear those oversized blanket scarves like a star

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Nothing says winter better than scarves. We have seen various kinds of scarves but this season blanket scarves steal the show. Yes, these oversized blanket scarves with subtle patterns are something you must own this fall. The best part about owning oversized blanket scarves is that they can be worn with countless outfits and provide that perfectly fashionable layer to your chic cardigans, leather jackets and coats. The super soft fabric is sure to make you feel comfortable and cozy unlike the scarves that are thick and feel like a python wrapped around your neck. If you are not a big fan of scarves and feel uneasy wearing them then these oversized blanket scarves might be handy for you. These scarves are easy to twist, can be worn in numerous styles and can also be used as a wrap.

Here are few tips you could use to wear your oversized blanket scarves. Take inspiration from the pictures below and find your outfit of the week.

#1 Here is a simple way to wrap your blanket scarf

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#2 Wear it as a cape and drape one side of it to the other shoulder making it look like a wrap.

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#3 Wear your blanket scarf around your neck leaving the ends hanging down. We suggest using a belt to make it look chic.

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#4 On a pleasant day, you could drape your oversized blanket scarf around your shoulder and belt it to look chic.

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