History has been made! Leonardo DiCaprio has won his first Oscar, finally! But what is he up to now?


Yes, it has happened, history has been made! Leonardo DiCaprio has finally won his first Oscar for Best Actor in a leading role for The Revenant. If you watched the Oscars you must have seen the look on his face while he held the award and started with his beautiful speech. Even the other contenders for the Best Actor nominee were seen happy that it was Leo (not that they didn’t want to win but they were happy that he finally made it after so much hard work). But now it’s done, he won the Oscar and everybody went home after a great award ceremony. And to think of it, what’s Leo up to now? Well, here’s what we think!

#1 Leo knows how to party and after winning an Oscar, it has to be a grand celebration!

Now that Leonardo DiCaprio has finally won his first Oscar, he’s going to do what every Oscar winner does or must do! And that is party like a rock star, no wait, movie star! And after doing movies like Great Gatsby and Wolf of The Wall Street, we think he has got a pretty good idea on how to throw a party of a lifetime!



#2 Probably trying to take all his memes off the internet in which he couldn’t win the Oscar!

To think of it, why the hell not? You wouldn’t want to see all that after you’ve finally achieved what you always wanted! So, you might just do everything in your power to take all that hate, ‘not-so-funny (for you) things off the internet! It’s time for a change!



#3 The beginning of a new era where Leonardo winning an Oscar memes flood in like a tsunami on the internet!

Now that Leonardo DiCaprio has finally won his first Oscar, he did make history and with that the new era where memes of Leo winning an Oscar are hitting the internet like tsunami hit India. Excuse the bad joke. But just think, your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feed is filled with posts about Leo winning the Oscar. This is a big deal, people!



#4 “The Unfortunate Oscar Winner”, autobiography by Leonardo DiCaprio

Yep, that might just be the next big thing in Leo’s head, you never know. Now that he’s got the Oscar, the next thing could be a top selling autobiography. And who wouldn’t want that?



#5 And years later, a biopic about Leo played by Leo because perfection doesn’t come that easy to anyone

If this happens, which probably will? And if by any chance Leo plays himself and wins an Oscar for that, how crazy would that be? Would you call it ‘Oscarception’, ‘Leoception’ or just a ‘Misconception’?



#6 There might be a new director in Hollywood!

Again, not going to be a big surprise, but in the future Leo might announce that he’s going to make his debut as a director. As he said in his speech, he learned a lot while working with Martin Scorsese. Maybe, just maybe, he was giving us a message. But we’re just saying!

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