Fuel your fitness regime with these power foods


You have to eat the right foods to fuel your workout. Before you get set to hit the gym, you may want to re-consider your diet. Sometimes unknowingly we eat things that instead of helping our workout go against it. The result is… well… no result, even hours after sweating it out!

Balance is the key. You can’t run on an empty stomach or even stuff yourself after your workout. A pre-workout meal or snack prepares your body for exercise, whereas a post-workout meal helps in rebooting the body’s drained muscles. Here is a list of food items that get the best out of your workout.

Pre-workout Food

1) Greek Yogurt- Greek yogurt is high on protein and is easy to digest. It is great if you’re going to follow it up with a high-intensity cardio workout.

1-Greek YogurtSource

2) Whole grain Bread – A diet including whole grain is great for your metabolism. Pack in some healthy bread for a super-charged gym session.

2- Whole grain BreadSource

3) Oat meal- Slow-cooked oat meal is high on low-sugar carb and is perfect as a pre-workout snack.

3-Oat mealSource

Post-workout food

1) Salmon- Salmon is full of heart-healthy omega-3 fats, an ideal source of protein for muscle recovery after a tiring workout.


2) Omelet with vegetables- Breakfast for dinner? Uhh… yes! This post-workout food is perfect for those who want to keep their calorie and carb consumption low but need the protein to retain muscle.

2-post-worked-Omelet with vegetablesSource

3) Chocolate milk- It boosts post-workout recovery and provides carbohydrate replenishment for your muscles. It is also enriched with calcium and refuels the body’s sugar level.

3-post-worked-Chocolate milkSource

Banner and featured images sourced from: Source1, Source2, Source3

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