There’s no denying the fact that the most important people in our lives are the members of our family. They are also the ones who drive us crazy….like all the time and it’s not easy to convince them for everything we decide on doing on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes we think we might have fooled them with our lame excuses but that’s not true. They just know how to play along very well, after all they are our parents and they too went through a similar lifestyle (or so they’d like to think). Here are a few common lies we tell our parents assuming that they don’t know the truth.
1) Lying about all the shopping you do
When you’re trying to avoid having a conversation on how many clothes you already have while carrying those big shopping bags in front of your parents, the interrogation part is the hardest! How many times have you told them sh*t like the stuff was on sale (slashing half the prices in your head) making them believe it’s the ultimate truth?
2) Lying that you’re not drunk
You think you might have fooled them by telling them that you’re not drunk when you reach home so late trying to act as sober as you could be; believe us, parents can sniff alcohol from miles away, even if you’ve had just one drink! Best solution for it is to come clean and minimize all the drama by being honest.
3) Covering up for the nasty stuff
Somehow parents dig deep down in your stuff and find out what you’ve been hiding from them, under the sheets or in between the pile of clothes in your cupboard. Just when they do, those things suddenly belong to your friend who forgot it when he/she was here the last time!
4) Lying about birthdays
When you make up a friend’s birthday each time you go out, be it your close friend or an imaginary one. Isn’t it strange how ‘Rahul’s’ birthday parties happen thrice a year or how all of a sudden you have so many new friends? – Mom’s remember EVERYTHING!
5) Lying about your crush
When you like someone…..a lot and you don’t want your parents to know about it, your life’s a mess! Especially when you’re living with them. Your constant daily struggle includes lying to your folks about plans with random friends and looking for that isolated corner in the house to have those late night phone calls!
6) The ‘I’m so tired and sleepy’ lie
We all need some alone time but sometimes parents don’t understand that and hence we tell them that the day was hectic and we are tired. You think they might not know what you do behind those closed doors but beware parents have this x-ray vision and they know exactly what you’re upto!
7) Lying about money
When you try to explain them where you exhausted all your pocket money and how you’d need a little more for the month ahead! Damn, life’s hard!