8 things you need to learn from a narcissist!


Not everybody is a narcissist and not everybody can be. It’s definitely not like you DON’T WANT TO BE one, it’s just sometimes not an option. You are one of us or you aren’t. And to an extent, narcissists get a lot of hate but then again, being a narcissist we don’t give a flying f*ck about what people say. That’s one of the many other great qualities of being a narcissist. Another thing, it’s not easy being one, more than anything in the world; you need to keep up with yourself. But that’s not something to worry about, take a look at these things you need to learn from a narcissist.

#1 They’re happy with themselves, your presence is not required!

Yep, they’re fine when they are single, they’re great when dating someone and even after a break up they handle themselves pretty fine. But that doesn’t mean they don’t feel or anything. They’re just better at letting past go and welcoming new things with a smile. A narcissist would say, f*ck that! And move on with another bottle of chilled beer. It’s for the good, you see.



#2 Socialising is in their blood.

No doubt about that, socialising is like fresh air to them, it feels great and helps them in exploring new people, making new friends and if nothing they at least have a great time wherever they are! They’ll put on whatever they think looks great and will be on the roll. It’s great to notice the little things but their clothes don’t really play a major role in that category AND that doesn’t mean narcissists don’t like to dress up, they are narcissists for a reason! Hello!?



#3 They are always looking for something new

Always. They’re always open to new experiences. All you need to do is ask them if they’d like to hang out or go for a road trip, possibility of them being out of your place in the next hour is too damn high. And good for you, they can be a great company plus, you’re going to have one hell of a trip to remember. Truth has been told, ladies and gentlemen!



#4 They’re very helpful, depending on what is it you need them for.

We’re not saying everybody is helpful in today’s world and we’re definitely not saying all narcissists are very helpful and will be there for you in the middle of the night. They’re narcissists, not your mom. But if you’re in need at club, a bar or any other place like that, they can be a good helping hand. And if you have a narcissist friend, you’re in for good luck. Let’s just say, you dropped your jaw for a pretty girl, your narcissist help can help you by being your wingman.



#5 They know the art of selfies!

Selfie is an art and not everyone is good at it, not all men and not all women. Narcissists on the other hand are always acing at taking selfies, like they were born with that skill, hell, they don’t even need selfie sticks! And for most of us, not going to lie, the struggle is real. Can’t take a good selfie till your arm aches and you have drained half of your phone’s battery. Don’t even think of denying it and yes, please delete the failed attempts of selfies.



#6  A narcissist never agrees that he/she is one!

That is the truest thing about a narcissist, they’d (most of them) never agree to the fact that they are one. It’s not like they’re ashamed of it. God, no, to them it’s like a humble thing to do. Oh yes, definitely that! Just because they want others around them to feel normal, they’ll deny it every time! But it’s just how a narcissist’s mind works or it might just be true. Guess, we’ll never know!



#7 Checking themselves out rather than checking you out!

That is the first known trait of a narcissist. They’re always checking themselves out and they do it in short intervals, before leaving for home, in the car, on the phone, before taking a picture, hitting the washroom and more! If you actually keep a count, you might just forget it by the end of the night. Believe it or not, they have this need to look at themselves even if no one else is, and checking if everything is on point or not.



#8 They always want to be the centre of attention

They love the attention; any amount of it is probably less for them. In other words, they want to be Beyoncé of Destiny’s Child or Kim from the Kardashians, wait, no, not that one. But the point is clear. They’re not going to do stupid sh*t for it, rather wait and let the attention come to them. Class is a thing too, people! And once they have it, they will make the most of it. Even if it lasts for a few hours!  



You know, you can always learn a thing or two from someone but if you actually want to learn something cool, learn form a narcissist!


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