7 awesome things one must do in Goa!


All of us need a break every now and then from the city’s hustle bustle and there is no better destination in India than Goa for that time away. The sound of the waves and the aroma of all the seafood along with that chilled glass of beer promises to relax your mind and soul! But, but, BUT your Goa vacation would be incomplete if you don’t (or haven’t yet) done the following things.

Here’s a list of 7 awesome things one must do in Goa!

1. Morning drinking

Everybody loves to grab a drink when the sun goes down in Goa. But have you ever tried having a drink when the sun comes up? As funny as it may sound, believe us; it is something you have to try!


2. Experiment with clothes

Everyone has certain clothes in their wardrobes which they bought in the past but never dared to wear. How about giving them a shot in a city where there’s no one to judge you on what you’re wearing!


3. Street shopping

Chuck the branded stuff and experiment with street wear! All the flea markets in Goa will surely leave you mesmerised!


4. Learn how to ride a bike

Just the thrill of riding a two-wheeler on those narrow roads while escaping all the traffic gives a different feeling all together.


5. Goan cuisine

Listen to us – DO NOT stick to your stereotypes when it comes to food. Try a new dish every time you step out to eat (but don’t forget to carry digestive pills with you just in case!).


6. Experience the solitude

Goa is one of the best places in India to be with friends. But don’t forget to take some time out for yourself as you sit by the beach and listen to the wonderful waves!


7. Aqua therapy

Aquatic therapy is a scientifically proven way of combining relaxation and fitness. It’ll be just silly if you don’t indulge in some pool games or water sports with your friends and family while you’re in Goa. Make use of the facilities available at your disposal and come back feeling light and calm.


Inpost pictures courtesy: Someecards.com

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