A clutch a satchel or a tote, no matter what your arm candy of choice is, here’s a list of five essentials you must have in it all the time. Your handbag is your favourite friend because it safe keeps the basics of survival for you. Here’s a list of things you probably have in your bag already, and if you don’t, then stock up now!
Hand cream and sanitiser: Always keep a handy bottle of sanitiser and hand cream in your handbag to keep those germs away.
Hair ties, bobby pins and safety pins- These come to your rescue when you just want to keep your hair off your face. Keep a few elastic hair bands and bobby pins ready. Safety pins are indispensable because they save you from embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions that invariably creep up all the time!
Beauty essentials: Keep a small kit with your favourite lip colour, kohl, few face tissues, a body mist and a compact. If there’s a mirror in the compact, you wouldn’t need to carry one separately. Look fresh through the day with regular touch-ups.
Period essentials- Always keep a few sanitary napkins and tampons in that side zip of your bag. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that it’s “that time of the month”. So it’s better to be always prepared for…well… the worst!
Mouth freshener: Keep a pack of gum, or any mouth freshener that could give your breath much-needed freshness. After all if you’re going for a meeting with a totally drool-worthy client or your Saturday night party may end with a kiss from prince charming, you don’t want to be smelling of chips or beer!
All images source: pdpics.com shopping.indiatimes.com www.shutterstock.com www.stylemag.in