First dates can be stressful, especially if you really like the person in question. But the best way to ensure that the first date isn’t the last one is to keep the jitters at bay. Next, follow our guide on how to be a ball of charm on this super special evening. Here are a few things you should totally avoid:
#1 Getting late- Yes, we all know it takes a lot of time to dress up. Especially when you want to look your best, but remember making people wait is considered rude and you don’t want that to be your first impression, do you now?!
#2 Using your phone- Keep that phone aside and show some interest in your date. We all know you are excited and you want to give your bestie all the updates. But let those wait until after the date. Being interested in what the other person has to say is the best way to get someone to fall for you hook, line and sinker!
#3 Checking out other people- We all do it… men and women alike and there’s no denying it. But right now, you should focus on the hottie sitting in front of you. Attractive passers-by will be around forever, trust us!
#4 Don’t put too much make-up- Don’t end up looking like a troll. Keep it simple natural and minimal. Too much make-up screams “Hey, I’m trying too hard for you so notice me!”
#5 Avoid talking about politics- Talking about politics is certainly not first date stuff. It can end your date before it really has a chance to begin. Especially if the person you’re with feels strongly about such stuff!
#6 Talking about your past love- There’s nothing fun about break-ups and acknowledging exes is a big turn off. AVOID!
#7 Leave the moustache for the men- Make sure you look neat and ‘well-groomed’.
#8 Don’t talk too much- It’s good to have self-confidence nevertheless, let your actions show your confidence. Nobody wants to hear you blabber just about anything so just maintain a balance in your interaction and never cut-in their sentence.
#9 Perfume overdose- Don’t spray the whole damn thing and suffocate the guy. You don’t want to smell like a walking garden. Stick to one fragrance and just keep it minimal.
#10 Using foul language- Manners are very important and they can also be very attractive. Just be kind, respectful and keep the F- word out of the conversation. Thank you very much!