We love that feeling of scrolling down on our insta feeds and finding a picture that deserves an immediate double tap. However at times, we also come across pictures that send us into a self-loathing zone and make us go why-isn’t-my-life-like-this! Here are 5 Instagram accounts that’ll make you feel bad about your life.
1) Emir Bahadir
Emir Bahadir, principal and co-founder of the real estate firm RLTY NYC, belongs to a royal Turkish family and doesn’t shy away from telling the world about it. His Instagram account is flooded with pictures of his swanky life with the hashtag #Bahadiring. Yes, he gets his own hashtag too.
Handle: @emirbahadiri
Followers: 57.4k
2) Tomer Sror
Tomer Sror is a 26 year old entrepreneur from Tel Aviv, Israel who owns a finance company that deals with currency exchange and money transfers worldwide. He swears by the fact that he is self made and shows his wealth and love for women through his insta-pictures. Not just that, for every picture with a hot woman (or women) in it he has a special hashtag – #TomersAngels! Other things you’ll spot in his pictures include bottles of Dom Perignon, lots of Hermes boxes and a few Rolex watches here and there.
Handle: @tomer_sr
Followers: 46.2k
3) Scott Disick
Reportedly Kourtney Kardashian’s boyfriend, Scott Disick lives it up like a lord just like his Instagram handle “let the lord be with you”. Want to know what luxury feels like? Just go through his pictures that are full of captions like chopper pick up in the backyard and gold on gold.
Handle: @letthelordbewithyou
Followers: 8m
4) Dan Bilzerian
A professional poker player and actor, Dan Bilzerian lives his life like no one else. His pictures are full of women, ammunitions, women with ammunitions, poker chips, cars and fancy jets. Some say he made all this money from poker and some say he had a wealthy trust fund. We don’t know the truth but we sure know that his pictures turn us green with envy.
Handle: @danbilzerian
Followers: 8.5m
5) Param Sharma aka itslavishbitch
Param Sharma who has been dubbed as Instagram’s biggest jerk is a wealthy teenager living in San Francisco who loves Starbucks, throwing away cash and all things fancy. He addresses us ordinary people as peasants and trolls celebrities. His lunch money comprises a bag full of cash placed on a Louis Vuitton trunk. Need more? Check out his pictures.
Handle: @itslavishbitch
Followers: 390k