14 y/o Ahmed Mohamed builds a clock, gets arrested and finally gets a scholarship at Space Camp!


Ahmed Mohamed is a 14-year-old kid from Texas who built a clock from a pencil case so he could impress his teachers. Little did he know that there was massive trouble coming his way when the teachers called the cops on him. The authorities at the Irving High School thought that the 14 year-old made a ‘hoax bomb’ and got it to school. Ahmed was handcuffed and taken to the police station where he was denied the right to make a call to his parents and was questioned without his attorney present.


The issue got so big that some big, we mean, BIG names came to Ahmed’s rescue. President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg amongst others made a genuine effort for his case! President Obama even invited Ahmed to the White House with his clock and what followed was a post by Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook in which he invited him to the Facebook headquarters! The newest addition to the list is by Space Camp who gave Ahmed a scholarship!



hillary clintonSource



What happened next, was the hashtag #IStandWithAhmed that started trending worldwide and had more than 100,000 tweets on Tuesday morning. All in all, things have started looking up for Ahmed and we hope they stay that way. It’s easy to speculate why the problem got so big in the first place; it’s the name or being a Muslim that travelled with an unreasonable stereotype. But thankfully so many people stood up for Ahmed so we can say things are changing! After things started to cool down, Ahmed also tweeted in appreciation saying that he’s thankful for the support. And guess what? Kid’s got a verified account on Twitter now! THAT’s going to make him happy for sure! 



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