10 struggles only women with small boobs know

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There’s a reason why all women with small keepers are jealous of women who are blessed with knockers. We are tired of big boob-ed women telling us how lucky we are. For them having small boobs might be a boon but for those who have them, they don’t see any well. Unfortunately, the bad outweighs the good and we end up struggling in the itty-bitty-titty committee. Let’s take a look at 10 struggles only women with small boobs know.

1) Push-up bras – no matter how much you push them up with those things, they’re never going to be pushed up enough to fake a cleavage.

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2) Strapless dresses – Sorry we look like planks and we can’t live with the fear of them slipping down any moment.



3) Makeup to fake a cleavage always ends up ruining our clothes.



4) People judging your womanhood, sure that’s not problematic.



5) Swimsuits – Trying to fake boobs by wearing a padded bikini and ending up squeezing water from the pads.



6) Seduction – Trying to seduce someone by bending down. Ended up giving a view of our ribs like we’re malnourished.



7) Thank you for making fun of us and yes, we are still waiting to hit puberty.



8) The confusion of getting implants or not! Let’s face it they’re expensive.



9) The awkwardness of being small but not small enough to go bra-less.

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10) Trying to find a bra of our size – how many AA’s can they actually add to an A cup? 


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