7 Good things about working with a start-up


If you are confused about whether or not you should join a start-up, here are a few things that would totally help you make up your mind. Take a look at a few fun facts that may hold true for most of the start-ups across the country!

  1. Your career kicks off along with the start-up

With the right idea and marketing skills, your start-up may grow leaps and bounds sooner than you know it. And the best part is you will be a part of the founding team forever… A tag nobody can take away from you! Being one in many at a giant multinational will never be able to match up to this feeling.


Image Source: Giphy.com


  1. Homely environment

Yes! You do feel at home while working with a start-up. Impromptu brain storming sessions, constructive activities, random breaks and above all – home cooked food! Need more reasons?


Image Source: Giphy.com


  1. You always feel free to walk into the boss’s office

Well that’s the awesome part. Your boss sits right in front of you or maybe next door and he doesn’t care how many times you knock on his door for little things.


Image Source: Giphy.com

  1. Diverse KRAs

You can’t really stick to your designated job role in a start-up. Exploring and experimentation with your product/services is a must, and for that one needs to be involved with various other responsibilities. It also keeps things interesting as you have to multitask all the time and you discover skills you never knew you had!

Diverse KRA

Image Source: Giphy.com


  1. You are the boss or something very close to it

Of course your boss would let you take decisions for the company. He hired you out of those twenty-something employees knowing your potential to do things! Therefore your opinion counts.

Like a boss

Image Source: Giphy.com

  1. No designated workstations, No dress code, No lunchtime!

That’s the most awesome part of being associated with a start-up. Nobody cares where you sit, what you wear and there’s no designated time for lunch or evening snacks! How cool is that?


Image Source: Giphy.com

  1. Small family – Happy family

Enough said! Enjoy this time before the company expands and sh*t gets serious!

Happy Family

Image Source: Giphy.com

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