Words added to the dictionary in 2015 will make you facepalm, quite literally.

Dictionary words-What's trending

Every year new words are added to the dictionary depending on how often they are used. And with every passing year, the words we use or the slangs we come up with are ruining the English language. We are not trying to ask you to use better words or use them in some particular manner, no, this is not Dead Poets Society. It’s just the list that we went through which had us facepalming! Oh, ‘Facepalm’ is one of those words. Yeah, so take a look and go on a facepalming spree!


#1 Ego-surfing   

n. Search the Internet for instances of one’s own name or links to one’s own website. 


#2 Awesomesauce

Adj. Extremely good; excellent.

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#3 Brain fart

n.  A temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly.

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#4 Bruh

n.  A male friend (often used as a form of address)

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#5 Blamestorming 

n.  A method of collectively finding one to blame for a mistake no one is willing to confess to. Often occurs in the form of a meeting of colleagues at work, gathered to decide who is to blame for a screw up.

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#6 Gaydar 

n.  A homosexual person’s ability to identify another person as homosexual by interpreting subtle signals conveyed by their appearance, interests, etc. 

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#7 Screenager 

n. A person in their teens or twenties who has an aptitude for computers and the internet.

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#8 Mini-me

n. A person closely resembling a smaller or younger version of another.

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#9 Nom Nom (exclamation) 

n. Used to express pleasure at eating, or at the prospect of eating, delicious food.

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#10 bants (or bantz) 

n. Playfully teasing or mocking remarks exchanged with another person or group; banter

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