There are many things we wish would happen for real like actually going out with your crush, more money in your bank account but this is above all that. We’re talking about something big, insane and super cool – dragons. Ever thought how life would be if they really existed in this age? We came up with a few thoughts on ‘what if dragons were for real?’, check ‘em out!
#1 Khaleesi would be for real!
#2 The amount of mother of dragons would be too damn high!
#3 We’d need more fire brigades
#4 Kids would want to ride dragons rather than elephants and camels
#5 Don’t have to buy plane tickets no more!
#6 Dogs wouldn’t be the favourite pets anymore!
#7 ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ books would be a guide for people!
#8 Potty training for pets would be easier because they can take care of their own poop by just lighting it on fire.