Science has added yet another feather to its hat to make lives easier. A single test can now help you find out all the viruses you’ve ever been exposed to. Hard to believe? Read on to know all about it.
“That’s what happens when you invent technology — you can’t imagine what people will do with it,” said Dr. Elledge, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School. This man can reveal every virus you’ve ever been exposed to using less than a drop of your blood!
The main purpose of this test is to become an important research tool for tracking patterns of diseases in various samples of people from different parts of the world. However, this virus is only in the experimental stages for now as it does not detect small viruses. Dr Stephen J. Elledge has named and patented this test as VirScan and it can be completed in short span ranging from two days to two months.
Confused about how this works?
The test works by detecting antibodies, highly specific proteins that the immune system has made in response to viruses, in your body.
How much does it cost?
And if you think that this test will cost you a bomb, you’re wrong! Finding out about all the viruses your body has been exposed to will only leave you short of $25 in your account.
This professor of genetics currently working at Harvard Medical School believes that VirScandeserves to be a part of a large scale organization so as to produce better results for people wanting to know about the history of viruses their bodies have faced so far.
What doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger!
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