We all do these cute, dorky things to remind our special someone that they’re being missed. But there are times when you accidentally do something extremely stupid that you wish the doors to hell would open and you could walk right in. And by extremely stupid things, we mean leaving text messages for your ‘bae’ and realizing that you accidentally sent them to your parents. Sh*t doesn’t get any real than this! You know you’ve dug your own grave, but you also know how to come back alive because you’re a thrill-seeker like that. These are some situations our friends got themselves into and how they took it in their stride and turned it around! Look for yourself!
#1 Dads can be fun and bullies at the same time
#2 That moment you crash landed because you f**ked up!
#3 Daddy O – 1, You – 0
#4 Try explaining THAT to your girlfriend!
#5 But what is Snapchat, son?
#6 Maybe, just maybe the person could’ve come up with a better reply if they weren’t drunk
#7 Guess we know who’s going to do the dishes once they wake up!
#8 You texting the wrong ‘bro’, bro.
#9 Evading awkward situations like a boss!
#10 Sneaking out is an art and not everybody can do it right!