People make all kinds of excuses to get out of many social situations. We’ve decoded the 8 most common excuses for you to get the hint here.
Excuse: I am really tired/sleepy
Reality: I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to take your calls or reply to your messages. Please find new friends.
Excuse: Sorry! I missed your call
Reality: “Oh Sh*t! She is calling me again!”
Excuse: Are you sure you want to do this?
Reality: I am trying to be polite. DON’T DO IT.
Excuse: You look fine
Reality: “I wouldn’t want to be caught dead looking like this”
Excuse: I was stuck in traffic
Reality: I took an extra hour to get ready for this guy I have to see for a business meeting later because he is kinda cute.
Excuse: Some relatives came over at the last minute
Reality: I overslept.
Excuse: I am broke
Reality: I don’t want to spend my money and time on you.
Excuse: Sorry for the delay!
Reality: I couldn’t care less about your email.