It’s time they made ‘food’ synonym for ‘happiness’ in the dictionaries. Some people even cry out of happiness when they see their order coming towards them. Those people are the true foodies; nobody loves food more than these people. They find food, they eat it, and only thing that comes in between might be a glass of water. But, it’s not just about them. Food, has made more people happy than almost anything else. But like everything else in the world, food also can make you sad and it’s not even food’s fault. It’s the time you have to wait for your food to come to you. That right there is the time you know hell is real. And there’s one of these things that can restore your faith in God, that is, when you get more food than you ordered. And your head is full of thoughts like these.
#1 “Is it my birthday today? That’s the best gift ever!”
The order is here and it’s heavier than I thought. There’s a lot of stuff in that bag and I can’t wait to raid it! Being an expert about the places I order from, I know there were supposed to be two boxes but instead, there are three (That’s as close as I can get to winning a lottery!). And that is enough to make me grin. It’s about time for the foodie in me to be unleashed.
#2 “Well, bless the man who prepared my order but he better not have charged me for it!”
Whoever that person is, people need to be more giving like you! But, even if by mistake you’ve charged me for it, forget returning the extra food, I’ll feast on it and not pay a damn dime for it. You’ve been served, hah!
#3 “I don’t know what that is but please taste good”
Be it a very random dish that I’ve never even heard of or something that I love eating from time to time, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that it should taste good. Even though I can hardly keep my hands off of the lid, I dare and I open it. Let the adventure with food begin!
#4 “Oh boy! That smells so good!”
Getting ready to feast, and now I’m in the mood because the smell coming from the box has already got me high. As much as I’d love to share, I hope nobody comes around while I hog!
#5 “Not to sound like an ungrateful ass**le but they could’ve sent something in non-vegetarian!”
That’d only happen if the dish they sent was vegetarian. Got no problem with vegetarian food but come on, non-vegetarian over vegetarian till the day I die!
#6 “Not sure if I can finish all the food all by myself BUT challenge accepted!”
I’d love to share, but only if you ask for it; I’m not going out of my way to ask people if they’d like to have some. Even if there is leftover and I’m full, there are no regrets!
#7 “Maybe, regular customers often get complimentary food? I need to stop ordering so much!”
As much as I appreciate this gesture, this comes to me as a reminder that I better cut down on ordering food all the damn time. I might not live up to that decision but trying that won’t cost me a dime just like that free dish!