The Golden Globes just happened and there were many things that we were looking forward to and some things just happened to surprise us! From the red carpet till the very end of the Golden Globes there was not one moment we dared to change the channel. If you slept through the show, well, then it sucks to be you. But till the time you catch the repeat telecast, here are a few moments from last night. Just don’t spill your coffee while you’re at it!
#1 It doesn’t sound creepy when Sam Smith says it!
#2 Pretty sure that’s some kind of racist joke but we aren’t judging!
#3 That is very thoughtful, Brie!
#4 We’ll never know how J.Law manages to be so flawless!
#5 Jamie Foxx pulling off a Steve Harvey, right there
#6 This is the highlight of Golden Globes! Look at Leo’s priceless expression!
#7 What’s cookin’ with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson?
#8 It’s Saul Goodman! With him always is! (Please, realize that we made a pun there, please?)
#9 So, does this mean that Ted is in 23rd Jump Street!?
#10 Something has got Rob Lowe’s undying attention.
#11 And you thought only you were excited for the Golden Globes?
#12 That indeed is a very good question to ask on a platform like that!
#13 That moment when you’re going to make hilarious Caitlyn Jenner jokes, yep.
Golden Globes 2016 were massive and these are the least of things you’ve missed. Make time and catch up with the Awards so you don’t regret later!