Someone once said “You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning” and for the same reason, bar owners from all around the world have started ‘displaying’ quirky reasons to make a person or a gang of friends walk into their favourite local bars.
Take a look at these awesome sign boards spotted outside various bars that are bound to crack you up and make you feel like having a drink like NOW.
1. This one surely understands your emotions! We bet even the loneliest person on this planet would walk out of this bar as a happy man.
2. One word – ROFL!
3. Bar-day-care-centre for all the men out there!
4. Fireballs and unicorns pay them occasional visits from time to time (bottle after bottle).
5. Somebody once said – If you drink enough vodka it tastes like love! And so does Te-quila!
6. If Robbie and the mom agree – this bar better be the best one in Paris.
7. For those who need a Ducking frink!
8. Isn’t a very tough choice! Is it?
9. Another one of the Bar-day-care-centers’ with the bartender-in-charge!
10. Finally somebody understands *happy tears*
11. How about a nice discount for those walking in without their children?
12. Hitting the nail on the head *loud and clear*
13. The theory of transitivity!
14. Again – “What I do after blacking out is none of my business”
15. Wait a sec! Lemme get my microscope something definitely looks fishy here!
16. Haha! Almost got us on that one!
17. Quoting Benjamin Franklin – “Wine is the constant proof that god loves us and loves to see us happy”. So where’s the damage?
19. Sexism at its best!
20. That’s NOT true! Don’t listen to them!
21. Let’s see who get’s lucky tonight.
22. How sophisticated are you?
24. And finally someone’s put the exact words into place!
25. Time to make some nasty decisions and spice up your life. Like now!
26. Word!
Image source: 1-19 sourced from Imgur.com