It’s here! The list we’ve been waiting for! The release dates for all (well, most of them) our favourite TV shows returning in 2016 are out. The list was mighty big and it took us a while to cut it down to this but we finally made it through. And now the only question that remains is, ‘how the f*ck are we going keep a tab on every damn show?’ but then again, where there is a will, there is a way. Many of the shows were divided in two parts, so, the ‘B’ basically refers to the second half of the season. The list is ready; the shows are ready to be aired. It’s you who needs to be prepared. Take a look at this beautiful list (We almost had tears).
#1 The Simpsons – Season 27B (January 3rd)
There’s a reason that they’ve come so far with twenty seven seasons and still going strong. All because people have undying love for The Simpsons and the show very well deserves it! Back with the second half of the twenty seventh season; the show has already started airing, so, catch up, people!
#2 Family Guy – Season 14B (January 3rd)
Peter Griffin and the family are back to make you cry while you laugh. The animated series is loved by many all over the world. Family Guy is on air now!
#3 Supergirl – Season 1B (January 4th)
The series started last year and instantly grabbed the attention of superhero and comic lovers (of course). The show has been giving good competition to other comic-inspired shows like The Flash, Arrow and more. Supergirl is already up on your television screens!
#4 New Girl – Season 5 (January 5th)
The light comedy show is already out with the new fifth season. It’s funny and it stars Zooey Daschanel. Do we need more reasons?
#5 Modern Family – Season 7B (January 6th)
You know, the same old story of three families dealing with themselves and the problems with the outcomes that start a laugh riot. The series has won numerous awards and you can watch it with your family! Sometimes it’s better to come out of your cave (read: room) and spend time with familiar faces? The second half of the seventh season started yesterday, you might want to look it up!
#6 Black-ish – Season 2B (January 6th)
A black-comedy series about an African American family that’s trying to raise their kids in a white neighbourhood is hilarious and so light that you can watch the entire first season in one go and you’ll end up wanting more. Good for you, the second season has started rolling out! Something you should not miss out on.
#7 2 Broke Girls – Season 5B (January 6th)
Even after four seasons and still broke, Max and Caroline have made it to the fifth season, good on them! We wish to see them start their own cupcake business and for that and the comedy they bring together, we will continue to watch them work for it!
#8 The Big Bang Theory – Season 9B, (January 7th)
Awarded ‘The Favourite TV Show’ by People’s Choice Awards clearly tells you how great this series is. The second half of the ninth season airs today and sadly it’s the second last season, so, cherish it.
#9 The Flash – Season 2B (January 19th)
The Flash made it big from the very first episode and after one and half season gone, people have been waiting for the second half of the second season. Every fan knows how huge this series is and how maddening it is whenever Arrow and The Flash come together. And not to sound like a geek but they are starting a team and they’ll have a separate show (Legends of Tomorrow) which is coming out this year. HOW COOL IS THAT, HUH!?
#10 Supernatural – Season 11B (January 20th)
Just two brothers kicking butts of evil, ghosts, monsters and other supernatural entities from the face of the Earth in this fantasy horror show. They’ve been doing this for eleven seasons and keep on coming back and that is why we love them!
#11 Arrow – Season 4B (January 20th)
Another one from the world of DC Comics where the rich kid, Oliver Queen vows to protect this city from all kind of evil and doing that with just a bow and a couple of arrows. How badass is that!? Second half of the fourth season is coming soon enough. Hold on tight!
#12 Suits – Season5B (January 27th)
After all the problems they have faced, Mike Ross and Harvey Specter are coming back at the end of this month. It sucks when they stop airing shows like this one in the middle and you sit with a straight face watching all the old episodes again till the new ones are out.
#13 Castle – Season 8B (February 1st)
Welcoming the month of February with the second half of Castle’s eighth season (OH, Finally!). The showmakers should know by now that we are suckers for it and it’s not cool to make the viewers wait but anyway, it’s coming!
#14 Grey’s Anatomy – Season 12B, (February 11th)
This sitcom showed us the other side of the doctors that are trying to save lives in the operation theatre. The medical drama has reached the twelfth season and with every season its hold on us has gone strong!
#15 The Walking Dead – Season 6B, (February 14th)
While the love birds will be busy celebrating Valentine’s Day, we will be in our room with our food and watching The Walking Dead and yes that sounds better. On that note, we’d like to thank whoever chose February 14th as the release date of the second half of sixth season, you, Sir, are very thoughtful.
#16 Better Call Saul – Season 2 (February 15th)
The insanely amazing spin off of Breaking Bad is returning with its second season. If you haven’t heard of it or haven’t watched it, you’re missing out on something very crazy. A must, must watch for all Breaking Bad lovers.
#17 House of Cards – Season 4 (March 4th)
To see a badass like Kevin Spacey doing some epic sh*t, we could’ve waited even longer! (who are we even kidding, that’s not possible) Hitting the screens in March, House of Cards will be better than ever, at least we think so.
#18 Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 3B, (March 8th)
The spin off from Marvel’s The Avengers, follows the story of S.H.I.E.L.D. that brought all the superheroes together. The series shows the adventures of the organisation S.H.I.E.L.D. where they go against extraordinary and unexplainable threats.
#19 Empire – Season 2B, (March 30th)
Luscious Lyon’s empire was stolen from under his nose and he couldn’t do anything about it. What’s more, Lyon’s apparent heir might have been killed in her womb by a furious Anika. We can’t wait to see what happens next. Find out on 30th March when Empire’s mid season premiere airs on FOX.
#20 Daredevil – Season 2, March (TBA)
Daredevil is Marvel’s first job at the small screen and whoever has watched the first season, knows that it was a job well done. The series is pretty heavy and amazingly brought to us by Netflix. The second season is said to be releasing in March but the release dates are yet to be announced.
#21 Game of Thrones – Season 6, April (TBA)
The most awaited show of the year is returning in April but with dates still unannounced we have our fingers crossed for an early release. The teaser is out and it does nothing but makes you cringe because that’s just not enough.
These TV shows returning in 2016 are huge and loved all over the world. We have no option other than waiting for them to come out. Till then, make do with repeating the previous episodes and seasons!