Stop committing these 10 fashion crimes that are making you undateable!


Wondering why she’ll date your best friend but not be seen dead with you? If you are committing one of these 10 fashion crimes then you better stop, if you really want to take her out!

1. Ditch that sandals-with-socks look!

Yes, it was a fad once in the 90s but it is as jaded now as the places your parents went to as teenagers! If you want to make a first good impression, lose those socks with the sandals. Better still, lose those sandals for good!

Socks and Sandals

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2. Revealing too much with your low-cut tees?

You think you’re John Abraham? Or Ryan Gosling? IF and only IF you are – Sure go ahead. Otherwise, button up brother.


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3. That slogan on your t-shirt, seriously?

Walking around with a funny slogan on your tee? Chances are she’s not even looking at your face! That’s right! She has already rejected you in the head thanks to that banal print on your tee.

fashion mistake-slogan in tshirt

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4. Bling ain’t for blokes!

Wait, what’s that shimmery thing on your waist? Is that a buckle? DAMN MY EYES!!! On second thoughts, you might remind her of Emma Watson from ‘The Bling Ring’.

Bling Ring

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5. Extra-tight pants

Ouu la la…look at those curvy legs…OMG is that a guy?

Fashion mistake-Tight pants

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6. Extremely low-waist jeans

Hey, nice underwear. Just make sure you don’t stick it out in my face every time you walk by me!


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7. Sunglasses on a cloudy day? Really?

Do not, DO NOT, wear sunglasses to a date on a cloudy day, or even an indoor date! (Yes, some of you out there are guilty of that crime!) The only thought in her head is, ‘What the hell is he trying to hide under those shades? A purple eye maybe?!’

Sunglasses on a cloudy day

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8. Badly-fitted shirts

We all understand that being comfortable with your bod is the best fashion advice that was ever offered. But, if your shirt tells tales of your beer drinking capacity then you might want to get a bigger size, especially when you’re trying to sweep someone off her feet.

Badly fitted shirt

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9. Creepy hairdo

Agreed that hair is the ultimate styling accessory for men, Not that we are trying to encourage you to try other accessories, NO! But getting it right is what you should focus on. Coloured hair, hair with too much product, Mohawks, afros … you get the point.. are a big fat NO! Keep it simple and neatly styled, that’s all the ladies want!

creepy hair

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10. Fake brands

You should not carry anything fake to a date, fake clothes, fake shoes, fake belts, fake accents or a fake attitude. If she spots you with a fake brand she is going to get a fake something-bad-happened call and get the hell out of there!

Fake brand dress

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