Recently we came across this ‘Uber’ interesting thread on the social Q&A website Quora.com. User Suchi Dey shared her experience with an Uber taxi service driver in Calcutta. In the middle of a chat with the driver regarding giving him a 5 star rating for the service experience, Suchi heard a rather heart warming story from him about two female riders which made us think about what the hardworking members of the same industry have to suffer. Here’s an account explaining the driver’s side of the story that we must all know about before getting into a cab the next time.
A couple of days back, I hired an Uber cab to go to a mall in Calcutta to meet some friends. The journey was about 40 minutes long and I was travelling alone. About 20 minutes into my journey, the driver asked me, “Madam, would you mind giving me a 5 star rating for this trip?”
I said, “No, I don’t mind. I will. But why do you ask suddenly?”
He replied with a sad, long face, “Madam, a few days back two lady passengers gave me extremely poor rating, dropping my rating to 2 stars.”
When I asked why, this is what he said..
“At around 11.30 PM, I picked up two lady passengers from Quest mall. They were both extremely drunk. One was falling over the other. They sat in the car and started talking about their personal stuff aloud. They were talking about things that made me uncomfortable as a man. But that was still okay. Then they opened up cans of beer and started smoking too. I warned them.. “unko bola, yeh sab nahi chalega gaadi me” but they did not listen.
At one point, it was enough for me. I asked them to stop immediately or I would call Uber office and get their accounts blocked. Then they got angry and started calling me idiot, stupid and what not. They cursed me in english too. (In his thick Bihari accent it sounded funny to an extent, but I saw him weigh his every single word and it made drop dead sense)
Then I asked him, “what did you do then?”
He said, “I made myself to drop them till their home. I did not want to. But still, I did.”
I’m sure you get the point of the story. That was my taste of a featured interview with an Indian man.
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