Signs of you having an annoying elder sibling!


Have an elder sibling? We feel you. There are times when they might just annoy the cr*p out of you and there’s no escape! Take a look at these signs that you can relate to if your elder sibling keeps visiting you for a ‘short while’ from time to time!

1) They can keep secrets….well for as long as you guys don’t get into a cat and dog fight situation!


2) They take ‘the joy of sharing’ a little too seriously. So they get you one thing and take away two others.


3) While you have to ask your parents about having your friends over, your sibling (who’s only here for a short while) can have their friends walk in and out of the house like it’s a hotel!


4) Everything best on the menu is presented at home when your sibling is visiting!


5) Your parents don’t have any hang-ups when it comes to your sibling’s choices (when it comes to clothes, food, friends etc.)


But then there’s a flipside!

6) When they get you gifts (sometimes crappy) without even asking!


7) How you know they’ve always got your back but are the only ones who can mess with you whenever they feel like!


8) When they tell you they’re visiting home, you get annoyed at the loss of your privacy but when they’re around it’s the best thing ever!


9) But you get your freedom back when they’re around as your parents only focus on the sibling whose back for a ‘little while’.


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