Photography as a profession is a rage with the youth today. Photographer Ishaan Suri of ‘Artfoto’ spills the beans on transforming the passion for photography into a professional career.
Ishaan Suri: I think the future of any art form in India is limitless. We’re such a culturally diverse country; we have so much art everywhere, so much culture everywhere and I think photography is going to grow exponentially.
Hailing from a family which has always had a profound love for art, Ishaan Suri discovered his affinity with the camera in his early teens.
Unlike most other professionals today, Suri pursued his passion for photography from the very start. With his innate knack of translating pictures into memorable stories, Ishaan began his own production house ‘Artfoto’
Ishaan Suri: I’ve spent all my life around art and by art I just don’t mean photography or film. Art in my life is in many forms. Art for me is just a form of expression. It could be photography; it could be film, music, food or design. And that’s what I would say is also something we follow at Artfoto while we are doing our shoots. We try to express what we feel we want to shoot rather than shoot what’s happening at our events.
Having mastered the art of Wedding photography and film-making, Ishaan Suri began working in collaboration with his better half Neha Suri who contributes to the film making part of the production process. That’s not it. Ishaan elucidates that ‘Artfoto Weddings’ is all about establishing an emotional connect between the camera and the wedding to make memories all the more special.
Ishaan Suri: Weddings will always be very special to me. I love taking photos of people. I love being a part of large gatherings of people socializing, meeting them, getting to know them and that’s actually the bottom line for everyone at team Artfoto. We don’t approach weddings as photographers. We approach weddings as if we are a part of them. We rarely are seen as photographers, we are seen as friends with big cameras.
And here’s Ishaan’s take on the future of photography as a profession in the country and his advice for budding photographers.
Ishaan Suri: Any art or any field in art in India is still looked down upon as a slow profession and a non money-making profession. But this is about to change. On the bright side actually, I would say that as an advice as a photographer, it’s just not what you do as an art or it’s just not what photos you take. Here I would highly recommend that if you can curate yourself as an individual and make yourself as a part of your offering as a talent then the package that you offer to your customer will not just be the photographs or the film you make, it would be you being there doing what you do best. And that’s what’s really important.