Pets are as important as any family member and they love to be treated like that. All they have for us is their unconditional, undying love and there’s no reason for us to not reciprocate. So this Diwali, make your pets an equal part of the festivities and take extra care of them because they don’t anticipate the sound of the firecrackers, the noise and the fire sparklers like we do. And they get scared just like a little kid would. Here’s why pets need extra care on Diwali and how you can keep them feeling safe, protected and at home.
Reasons why fireworks are dangerous for pets, stray and domestic both
#1 Pets have senses that make fireworks more intense for them than for you
Pets, especially dogs are blessed with very strong senses like hearing. So a firecracker sounds much louder in their world than it does in ours. Basically, during fireworks, your dog experiences the same kind of alarmed response you do when you’re surprised by a loud noise.
Solution: Prepare your house for the pets. Shut the curtains and the windows if you can’t escape the noise coming from outside. If your pet is caged, cover the cage with a thick blanket and make sure that they get to listen to the usual sounds like the radio or the TV to keep them from getting scared.
#2 Pets do not anticipate the festival and the noise associated with it
While we get a fair share of time to prepare ourselves for the sound associated with firecrackers, our pets do not. Neither do they cover their ears with their hands when a loud cracker bursts.
Solution: If there is no way to keep your pet away from the loud noise of the firecrackers, prepare and acclimatize. Make them listen to these kinds of sounds in advance on the TV or recordings. Give them time to prepare themselves and help them in the process.
#3 Pets get scared of fireworks because of many factors other than sound and it’s normal
Just like a little kid, pets also get scared of fireworks. It’s not only the sound but also the lights and the fumes that make them feel agitated. And it’s absolutely normal.
Solution: To make your pets feel comfortable, acclimatize them first (as mentioned above) and then make sure you get them some thing of their liking. It could be a treat, their favourite toy or something they like to play with. This helps in keeping them distracted and feeling happy.
Same goes for the strays around you. Those little furry babies need the same kind of love and protection. After all, Diwali is all about love for the ones around you then why should the strays near you feel left out.
Not just your pets, stray animals also go through all of this too.
Make sure you do not burst any crackers around any stray animals. Educate your kids about the effects of fireworks on the speechless animals and urge them to be considerate. Provide blankets and food to the strays and ensure they are in a safe corner. Make them feel equally comfortable.
Here are some more ways to keep your pets and strays safe during Diwali
Prepare a room
If you’re not keeping your pets with you during fireworks (which is the sensible thing to do) prepare a room for them. Find a silent room or a corner for them and put food, treats, a cozy blanket, remove sharp items and make sure the room is at a nice temperature for them to feel safe. Keep checking on them whenever you get time and make them a part of the festivities after the fireworks are over.
Make them comfortable if they are with you
If there is no way for you to leave your pet in a safe corner, keep your pet with you but communicate with them. Tell them you’ve got their back and remember that pets communicate with energy; if you don’t make a big deal out of the fireworks they won’t either. Keep comforting them from time to time and be around them.
Cover them with thundershirts or calming wraps
Thundershirts are especially designed to keep your pets’ anxiety levels in control. They apply a gentle, constant pressure on a dog or cat’s torso that helps in relieving anxiety. Use thundershirts for your pets if you can’t find any other way to keep them feeling peaceful on Diwali.
We request you to understand what other living beings of the society go through as we go on bursting crackers. They deserve an equal chance of enjoying with us so this time, light only diyas, no crackers and watch the world change.
Images sourced from Source1, Source2 and Source3