Entourage is probably one of the best shows HBO has ever dished out. Another great thing they did for which we’re really thankful is that they got Kevin Dillon to play the part of Johnny Drama. Every Entourage fan knows how Drama totally stole the show, quite literally. Kevin Dillon turned 50 today and here are some of his best Drama moments that we love!
If you don’t know about his awesomeness, you’ve probably never watched Entourage and you don’t know what you’ve missed!
#1 Dillon turns 50 today and still looks super young. This is how Drama would have probably reacted on getting the better of age!
#2 Or maybe Johnny would go BANANAS!
#3 Sometimes Drama won’t take your sh*t and why would he? He’s Johnny Drama!
#4. And don’t we just love the little things he does. Like this…
#5 Step back, when Drama is on the field. Geez, you fans.
#6 EAT ME. (Turtle and Drama together can start a laugh riot)
#7. Everybody would want to live with their best friends, but Drama actually did it.