Instagram is a great social platform to upload pictures and share them with the world. And just like a few exceptional going-against-the-usual kinda people you find on Facebook, Instagram is no less. Here is a list of a few kinds of irritating people on Instagram we come across every now and then.
1) The #lemmetakeaselfie addicts: Their Instagram accounts are flooded with pictures of themselves with one of the most annoying hashtags of all times – #selfie
2) #The #hashtag #junkie: Yes, these are the ones who probably cannot function without those endless hashtags. #And#yes#it#is#extremely#annoying.
3) The silent spectator: We all have this one friend who doesn’t have a single picture on his/her account, but yes he/she doesn’t let your pictures go unnoticed. Chances are, this person doesn’t even have a display picture but never fails to double tap your uploads!
4) The endless tagger: A new notification on your phone? Yes, it has to be that annoying friend who has probably tagged you in a funny picture or a video! It’s kinda nice to know they think of you when they see such things but the sh*t gets annoying when they think way too much.
5) The Photographer: This person loves to click just about anything. With a passion for clicking pictures like those DSLR newbies, they just get annoying after a while. Let’s admit it, nobody wants to see their timeline swamped with random, wannabe-artsy nonsensical pictures all the time! #PhotoOfTheDay
6) The pet lovers: Their account handle ideally should have been by their pet’s name since clearly all one discovers in there is unlimited cutesy pictures of their pets. And those pictures put them in our list of irritating people on Instagram.
7) The food fanatic: Food pictures are the only thing you see on their account, and yes it usually looks delectable *DROOLS*, but also annoying as h**l when you’re sitting at your workstation with no signs of gourmet platters coming your way anytime soon!
8) The friend who lacks originality: This one will upload long quotes from Marilyn Monroe, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde blah blah blah…just to establish something that they probably don’t understand themselves. What we understand from their pictures is just writing them off as irritating people on Instagram.
9) The party enthusiast: Yes, maybe the one you are jealous of. Booze, parties, chikas and what not? – Chances are that this person makes you want to hide your face in a hole with your not-so-happening existence
All pictures sourced from Imgur