Imagine a world without cheese! Here’s how it would look like!


What if you wake up one day and figure that there’s no cheese left in the world? Hell would break loose for most of us, won’t it? Yes, this terrible thought crossed our mind and we have even more terrible facts lined up for you! They’re going to break your heart and send shivers down your spine.  This is what’s going to happen if you live in a world without cheese.

PS – This is a serious problem we’re talking about.



 We can hear your heart sink. Settle down, there’s more (breathes heavily)



#2 What would you like to have with your wine?

Nachos maybe? Because no cheese!

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#3 Jerry would die of hunger.

Your favourite rat is dead not because Tom killed him!

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#4 Mayonnaise will rule the world (sadly)

That is worse than vegans taking over the world!



#5 No more fun in getting FAT!

Seriously, how to get fat without cheese?



#6 Bid your goodbyes to cheesecakes!

Losing your will to live now, are you?



#7 No more ‘say cheese’ for your photographs.

Why’d you want to say something that’s going to make you burst into tears? Or doesn’t exist?



#8 Every pizza brand will have to redo their ad campaigns.

They’ll probably picture a pizza with NO CHEESE on it! That’s a sigh we pray NO ONE gets to see in their lifetime!



#9 No more Mac & Cheese

Try Mac & Mayonnaise and puke. How can anyone eat that, seriously?

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#10 Cheese balls would be just… Balls

Yeah, eat that.



The only cheesy thing we’d be left with is people. Not sure which is worse, a Zombie Apocalypse or a world without cheese!

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