How to reduce stomach bloating

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Bloating is uncomfortable and sadly it happens to everyone. It is simply an abnormal general swelling in the abdominal area that happens when eat a little more than what’s required (read over-eating). The symptoms of bloating can be fuzzy and difficult to locate but most people describe it as an uncomfortable feeling of fullness, tightness or swelling in the abdomen. This can be accompanied by pain, excessive gas (flatulence), frequent burping and cramps. This can sometimes make the stomach look bigger but the good news is that you can reduce it.

There is no specific reason why one has a bloated stomach but it is related to our food habits, obviously. So, here are a few things which should be kept in mind while satisfying your taste buds to reduce bloating.

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#1 Eat in small portions

Try eating on a smaller plate. This will trick your mind into thinking you’re eating still a plate full of food when you’re actually not. Try not to eat too fast, instead chew slower. It takes 20 minutes for a special signal to reach the brain telling it to decrease the appetite. So, if you eat too fast your brain might think that you are still hungry.

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#2 Improve your diet components

Having a bad diet won’t help but it will give invitation to bloating. Say NO to fizzy drinks and fried foods. The air bubbles in carbonated drinks lead to bloating. Switch to iced green tea to satiate these cravings instead. Ditch those big packets of potato chips or processed food and snack on to something healthier. Re-train your taste buds and you will appreciate the taste of healthy food.

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#3 Increase your water intake

People skip sipping on water when they are bloated, when in reality they should be doing the opposite. Retaining water is actually your body’s way of holding on to fluids so you don’t dehydrate. Drink water whenever you feel bloated. It relieves bloating by helping the body let go of excess fluid retention. You may add lemon to water because lemons are a natural diuretic and lemon water helps reduce the amount of salt retained in the body. Make sure you don’t drink from a straw but from the glass only in order to avoid taking in any extra air.

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#4 Be physically active

It could be climbing stairs twice a week during your lunch break or going for an evening walk to catch up with your husband. Get in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day to keep fluid moving in your body. This will keep your belly from puffing out and reduce bloating.

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#5 Bed exercise in the morning

Get your digestive system on track before leaving the bedroom. Lie on your back with both knees tucked into your stomach for a few minutes. Then, relax your belly by slowly twisting your legs from side to side. This movement will help soothe your belly and prevent bloating.

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#6 Include yogurt in your diet

Grab some cartons of plain yogurt and make them a part of your breakfast because it’s better to opt for yoghurt instead of milk in your smoothies. Yogurt is already pre-digested and the milk sugar is broken down, which is not the case with milk causing bloating. The good bacteria cultures will promote gut health and keep your digestive track running smoothly. Try to avoid flavoured yogurt to keep your sugar count low.

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Keep these guidelines in mind to keep your belly flat all day long:

Keep your sodium intake to a minimum and opt for fresh food over processed.

Limit your alcohol intake. When you drink too much you can get dehydrated, which will result in your body retaining fluid.

Bloating can result in constipation so focus on foods that hold water like wheat bran or all-bran cereal.

Make sure you get enough sleep and if your bloating is becoming a chronic problem, consult a physician. 

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