Remember the days when work meant manual labour? Neither do we! These days, professional lives usually revolve around being glued to your seat and typing feverishly for hours on your laptop, not to forget hogging junk food to stave off the boredom and the hunger pangs. We can totally understand the pain of hitting the gym after long hours of work, so we bring you these easy tips to help you lose weight at work! YES! Read on…
1) Sniff a banana, apple, or peppermint- A study shows that if you sniff a banana, apple or peppermint when you’re hungry your brain tricks itself into thinking that you have already eaten them. Funny, but hey, it works!
2) Surround yourself with blue- The colour blue functions as an appetite suppressant making the idea of food less appealing. Researchers have found that people eat 33 percent less in a blue room.
3) Eat salads instead of fried and junk snacks and try to eat home-cooked meals as far as possible.
4) It’s time to stop interacting with people, this gif says it all.
5) Ditch the elevator for the stairs
6) Skip the soda and swap it for green tea
7) Eat slowly- Studies prove that when you eat slowly, you not only enjoy the taste of your food more but also feel satiated faster. You won’t end up over-indulging. Trust us, try it!
8) Drink lots of water
All images and gifs sourced from: Source1, Source2, Source3, Source4, Source5, Source6
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