If you don’t already know about Lilly Singh aka Superwoman, we feel sad for you. Not only are you missing out on one of the biggest YouTube sensations right now but you are also missing out on a person who can be your BFF, your girl-friend, your straight-up honest friend, your mom and your dad among many other roles. Here are 10 reasons that prove Lilly Singh aka Superwoman is actually a superwoman.
#1 Because she is absolutely honest
#2 She loves food more than people just like us
#3 She knows what you go through when your phone is about to die
#4 No one understands girl problems better than her
#5 The way she deals with haters is epic
#6 And this
#7 She has 5,491,295 YouTube followers as of now and still believes in this
#8 Also, This
#9 In spite of her massive following, she works hard and is not afraid to motivate us for the same
#10 More motivation
Banner, featured images 1 and 2 sourced from Source 1, Source 2 and Source 3