So here’s the thing, us guys (the single ones mostly) have a tendency to fall in love every now and then. A new hottie around the block is like a forbidden fruit for most of us and we sure know that if we see something that we cannot have, it just makes us want to have it even more!
Seeing that ideal woman in front of us (who we have no idea about) makes our brain undergo complex thought reactions (well, those aren’t really complex if you think about it) and puts us in a spot where we sometimes feel like a lost puppy.
These thoughts are mostly confusing and leave us stranded in embarrassing situations. Nevertheless, we never stop trying! For instance, take a look at how most of us guys feel when we spot a potential crush at a social gathering!
1. Oh f*ck. Look whose here.
2. Am I looking okay?
3. Of course not, I mean look at YOU!
4. God damn, you beautiful creature.
5. How do I stop looking at you?
6. And why aren’t you looking at me?
7. Can’t believe you’re not here with me.
8. Is it just me being desperate or is this real love?
9. Oh, it’s definitely love!
10. Is she single? And ready to mingle?
11. Or friends with benefits would work too.
12. I bet she’s amazing in the sack.
13. Or not. It doesn’t really matter as long as I have her.
14. I need an excuse to break the ice. WTF!
15. What do I do? Should I hide myself and run or shall I just walk up and say hi? Argghhhhh….life’s tough.
16. Decide!
17. I’d make you the happiest woman on earth and will satisfy ALL your needs (wink wink).
18. I must find out your name and stalk you on social media (takes phone out)
19. And now I know everything about you.
20. Please be straight! Please be straight! You have too many display pictures with women! I mean there’s nothing wrong with being a lesbian but it’ll just end my one chance of being with you.
21. I bet you smell better than roses!
21. Marry me? Pretty please?
22. Wait, who’s that guy with you?
23. (Stares into the dark abyss) BLANK!
24. Oh God! This day can’t be real.
25. I mean c’mon I am much better!
26. Arrrghhhh.
27. I’d go say hi to her anyway. That could be her cousin. I mean, they do look strikingly similar now don’t they?
28. Ah, the way she says hi makes me want to fall in love with her even more.
29. Yep, definitely the cousin (jumps with joy).
30. Okay, I’m going to ask her whether she’d like to hang sometime.
31. Please say yes!
32. YESSSSS!!!!!!
33. My life finally has a meaning.
34. When should I text her?
35. Or do I just call her?
36. But what am I going to say?
* A couple of hours later *
37. Please pick up. Please pick up.
38. WHAT! She gave me the wrong number!
39. Dafuq is this?
40. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!
41. I’ve been deceived.
42. And heartbroken.
43. I am never trusting women again.
* Next Day at another social gathering *
44. OMG, is she the same girl I had a crush on in college?
45. Let me go and speak to her.
Life’s short! Live it while you can!