Myths about hair care that need to be put to rest NOW!


Whether you’ve got long beautiful locks or a trendy pixie, all women probably have their own unique hair challenges from frizzy hair to taming those unruly curls. Hair myths like ‘avoid plucking grey hair strands’ and ‘sun-exposure is good for the tresses’ have unfortunately been accepted under the pretext of wisdom. Here is a list of hair myths and the clear truths behind them that to make caring for the beautiful locks easier.

#Myth 1: If you pluck out one grey hair, two more will sprout in its place.

Woman Going Gray


Truth: The fact is that plucking those grey hair strands is just a bad habit and you also end up damaging the roots which may cause bleeding and infection.

#Myth 2: Brush your hair with 100 brush strokes every day.

Portrait of a young woman brushing her hair


Truth: Sorry Rapunzels, but this just isn’t true as brushing your hair many times a day may just increase your hair breakage up to four times and did we mention the never ending split ends?

#Myth 3: If you keep using the same shampoo, it stops showing the desired results.



Truth: There is no correlation between bad hair and repeatedly using the same shampoo. On the other hand, it is very important to choose and use a shampoo that suits your hair type like dry, frizzy or coloured. But if you love your shampoo, just stick with it. They say, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’.

#Myth 4: Exposure to sunlight is the healthiest way to lighten your hair color.



Truth: The scalp is very sensitive; direct exposure to the sun may damage the skin without you even knowing it. Excessive sun exposure can also lead to dry hair and itchy scalp problems. Skip the sun and go for an ammonia-free hair colour if you want light-coloured tresses.

#Myth 5: Keeping your hair tied up will reduce dandruff.



Truth: Tying your hair up in a bun may just hide the dandruff but it won’t cure it. Instead try using an anti-dandruff shampoo on a regular basis till you see the difference.

#Myth 6: Pulling your hair in a ponytail will lead to bald spots.



Truth: There is no relation between scrunching your hair into a ponytail and bald spots. Yes, letting your hair loose and allowing it to breathe is very important as it improves hair growth. We’d rather suggest staying away from metal or hard plastic hair ties that cause a lot of hair breakage.


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Myths about hair care that need to be put to rest NOW! written by Suyash Shukla average rating 1/5 - 1 user ratings
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