Feeling dull at work today? Here are 7 ways to pester the cr*p outta your colleagues!


How often do you feel that the day just couldn’t get worse at work? Well, it happens with everyone. There are times when you feel brain dead and clearly have no hope for it to brighten up. Listen to us, we’ve got a solution for you – bring your inner child out and turn the day around. All you have to do is take a deep breath, get up and annoy the cr*p outta the colleagues around you (make sure your boss isn’t around). Here’s how.

1. Mock them

Stand right behind them and mock every action and every word they say.


2. Switch/hide their stuff

Walk around, be very sly and switch/hide people’s laptops, phones, bags etc.


3. Prank-call them

Go out and try to be this person/client who is ready to take your case regarding some work your colleague was assigned to do.


4. Send a resignation email to their work friends from their email ids while they’re away

Woah, now that would be awesome!


5. Call their parents/significant others to ask them if they’re home (pretending that they aren’t at work)

We agree sh*t will go down for a short while bit until the victim of your prank realises it’s YOU who brought this upon him but believe us, it’ll all be worth it!


6. Change their desktop wallpaper to a picture of their ex!

Ouch! It sure sounds like fun but make sure it doesn’t go overboard hurting somebody’s sentiments!


7. Take a post-it, write ‘Out of Order’ on it and stick it to their backs without them knowing

There’s nothing more hilarious than a person going out of order!


8. Keep giving them missed calls on their landline extensions

Unless they have caller-ids!


9. Turn off their laptop while they’re in the washroom

Make sure all their data is safe, else you’d be in big trouble!


10. Bombard them with questions about what they’re upto!

Nothing’s more annoying than having somebody stand on your head asking multiple questions that don’t make sense!


All images sourced from giphy.com

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