F*ck in style. Go for luxury condoms. Well, if you have that kind of money!


There have been many inventions that we’ve been thankful for. But there this one we actually owe a very important part of our lives to. It’s small, well, actually depends on your size preference, but it’s been a help to every man and woman on the face of the Earth. It’s easily found but people are just too shy to get it and forget that it’s for their own good. If you still don’t get it, we’re talking about condoms. Yes, those little rubbery things have saved us so many times that we’ve lost count.

Talking of variety, we have innumerable brands and brands have introduced flavours to it. But, we’re talking extra-ordinary, something brand conscious people with too much moolah in their pocket would like – the luxury condoms. Following is a list of luxury brands and celebrities who came up with their own line of condoms. Believe us, it doesn’t get more awesome than this! 


#1 Louis Vuitton Condoms

Condoms so classy you just don’t want to put them on. LOL, JK. If you’re spending around 68$ on this, of course you would want to use these! We don’t know what’s so different about these but your woman will be impressed for sure!



#2 Chanel Condoms

“FOR USE BY TRENDY SLUTS” – that’s what their packing says, not us. They’re going to cost you a whopping $279 for a 12 pack (approx). Being classy costs, even when it comes to luxury condoms, or you can settle for the normal ones just like the rest of us.



#3 Lady Gaga Condoms

If you’re thinking they’re going to be made of meat, you need some serious help. Lady Gaga condoms are made by the very well-known fashion designer Jeremy Scott.  They’re available in three types – ribbed, dots and sheer. We’d make a Lady Gaga ‘meaty’ pun here but we have a poker face after looking at them.



#4 Condoms by Marc Jacobs

When all the big names in fashion industry are stepping up how can you not expect Marc Jacobs to come out with something cooler? Marc Jacobs came up with condoms in various colours, that’s some thought he put into it while designing them. You can find them in blue, green, purple, orange and green with some cool messages on them for you. The packaging also says “Remember, Safety First! Xxoo Marc Jacobs” in his own handwriting. Costing just for $1.50 (approx) and available at many stores like eBay, now anyone can f*ck in style.



#5 50 Cent launches his Line of Condoms

With so much money around, you can do anything you want but 50 cent came up with a line of condoms. And he’s doing for a good reason, to increase awareness against AIDS, also, we mean, come on! The guy got you a line of condoms and you know what you want to do ‘when in da club’! Unfortunately they cost way more than just ’50 cents’!



#6 NARS Condoms

NARS is a cosmetics company, but to promote AIDS awareness they came up with their “Safer Kit” which has a ‘Multiple in Orgasm’ blush cream with two condoms. They’ve also marketed their products with names like “Deep Throats” which is a peach cream stick with shimmer. Yikes!



#7 Burberry Condoms

We don’t know what to think of this one. Yes, classy but to have that print wearing, down there? Not so sure about that. But go ahead; be all weird, after all – sex is sex!



#8 Versace Condoms

“A Gift of Love” they’re called. Made with natural latex, milky liquid collected from plantations from the Far East. There’s no additional rubber, chemical substances. The best part is that they’re odourless and human body friendly. Now, that’s some relief innit?

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