Essential wine hacks for everyone who loves vino more than people


Wine is a way of life for most people, especially for us! And although we love what every drop of vino does to our senses, we have to admit that it isn’t the easiest of beverages to consume. Not only is it difficult to open without the right tools at hand, it doesn’t even come with an obvious printed expiration date. Here are a few wine hacks that’ll help you drink it right. Thank you Appliance City UK!

1) It is possible to open wine without a corkscrew only recommended when one isn’t available around you!

There are many ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew like with a nail and a plier, a shoe and your house keys. Try these hacks with the utmost care and only use them when there isn’t a corkscrew around.


2) It is possible to enhance the taste of your cheap wine

Add chunks of pineapple to your wine to enhance its sweetness. You may also add your favourite berries to it.


3) Chill your favourite bottle of white in less than five minutes

Wrap your bottle of wine in a frozen towel or immerse it in a bucket full of salt and ice.


Need more wine hacks?

Check out this info-graphic by Appliance City UK and impress your guests.



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