Here’s a cool DIY to make your own stationery holder at home using very basic items that you’d probably throw away! Take a look
Things you need: magazine, empty tissue paper roll, mod podge, glue stick, craft paper, a pair of scissors, a pencil and a brush
1. Take the empty tissue paper roll.
2. Use the craft paper to carve out the base and cut out the shape leaving a substantial edge.
3. Apply mod lodge at the base of the roll and place it carefully on the cut out. Let it dry.
4. Take the magazine and pull out colourful pages with different designs/textures of your choice and trim the edges.
5. Use the pencil to roll the magazine paper as shown in the picture
6. Apply glue stick while rolling for consistency, pull the pencil out and repeat the steps.
7. Measure the desired length of the roll and clip it from one end.
8. Now stick the roll on the base using mod podge.
9. Continue the process till the base is covered and you’re done.
10. Put the stationery into the holder.