Did you know that there is a little bit of Ramayana in all your friends?

Just for laugh

With the navaratras coming to an end we embrace ourselves for the victory of good over evil. And as much as we love the fact that evil loses in the end of the battle, we must make our peace with the fact that they coexist, at least in real life. And keeping that in mind we’ve put together this list of Ramayana characters that we encounter in life almost everyday. Here’s a list of ten types of friends we all have and their Ramayana counterparts. Take a look.

1) Rama

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2) Laxman

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3) Sita

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4) Kumbhkaran

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5) Ravan

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6) Hanuman 

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7) Inderjit/ Meghnath

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8) Srupnakha

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9) Vibhishan

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10) Urmila

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Did you know that there is a little bit of Ramayana in all your friends? written by Arzoo Hamal average rating 5/5 - 1 user ratings
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