Designer duo Gauri and Nainika launch their latest collection at Neel Sutra at the Oberoi, Gurgaon

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Designer duo Gauri and Nainika recently launched their latest collection from the Amazon India Fashion Week and their bridal collection from the BMW Bridal Fashion Week at the multi-brand store ‘Neel Sutra’ at the Oberoi, Gurgaon. The launch was an elegant affair that witnessed a huge turnout of fashion enthusiasts making the event a grand success. Take a look.

‘Neel Sutra’ is a concept store that retails many brands and is co-curated by designer Deepika Govind and FDCI president, Sunil Sethi. Deepika Govind was pleased to have an association with Gauri and Nainika and was excited to see the store in a completely different look.

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With a spectacular fashion display of the designers finest merchandise, the duo celebrated the launch with champagne and canapes doing the rounds.

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