App of the week: Sleep Science Alarm Clock


Waking up easy is all about the right timing. Sleep Science Alarm Clock app is your personal sleep assistant that tracks your sleeping pattern throughout the night. It uses a 30 minutes alarm window and wakes you in your lightest sleep phase, the phase that makes you feel like you are naturally well rested. You can also view the data and see how well you’ve slept, and if there’s a possibility of changing any outside factors to have a subsequent better night’s sleep.

Easy to navigate and personalize, Sleep Science Alarm Clock offers features like notes for jotting down your dreams and changes in your bedtime routines, graphs showing trends and statistics, sleep goal settings for checking your actual versus desired amount of sleep and it also captures the loudest sound during the night for those times when you wonder what woke you up. 


Choose from a collection of music boxes, wind chimes, seashores, gentle rains, relaxing night breezes or night time sounds.


Sleep Science Alarm Clock only available on iOS devices as of now.

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